Personality, traits, values, behaviors, moral compass. A set of traits and qualities that describe an individual's moral and ethical behavior, as well as their overall integrity and reliability. The individual's principles, values, and the consistency with which they adhere to them.
- ACCESSIBLEI am easily approachable, easy to get involved in, friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
- ACTIVEI have the ability to be proactive and have enough energy to always be doing something.
- ADAMANTI cannot be persuaded to change my position or who cannot be changed.
- ADEQUATEI am understanding of what is happening in the relationship with a partner, the desire for dialogue.
- AGRESSIONI can use hostility, violence, or a readiness to attack or confront others. Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
- AGILEI have the rhythmic work of the body, the absence of fuss and unnecessary movements.
- ALARMISMI have a tendency to exaggerate or overemphasize potential dangers or threats, often resulting in unnecessary fear or panic.
- AVARICEI feel an intense desire for wealth, possessions, or material gain, often accompanied by a reluctance to share or give to others.
- BAOSTINGI incline to bragging or expressing excessive pride about my achievements or qualities.
- BRAVEI am able to face danger without fear.
- CAREI act with concern, attention, or consideration for the welfare or needs of others, taking care to avoid potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.
- CAREFREEI often feel free of fear or responsibility.
- CARELESSNESSI do not give enough attention or thought to avoiding harm or mistakes.
- CHEERFULNESSI incline to a state of being joyful, optimistic, and displaying a positive attitude or disposition.
- CLEANLINESSMy environment is in the state of being clean, hygienic, or free from dirt, impurities, or disorder.
- COLLECTIVISMI follow the philosophy or practice of giving priority to the needs and goals of a group over individual interests.
- COMPLIMENTS (love hearing) I enjoy compliments refers to the tendency or pleasure one derives from receiving positive feedback, praise, or admiration from others.
- CONFLICT (proneness to) I have a tendency or disposition to engage in or experience conflict, disagreement, or confrontation with others.
- CONSERVATIVEI have an aversion to change or innovation and hold traditional values.
- CONSIDERATIVEI show little understanding of the rights and feelings of others.
- CONQUETRYI may engage in flirtatious behavior or playful teasing to attract attention or admiration.
- COURAGEI have the ability to face and overcome fear, danger, or difficulty with bravery and determination.
- COWARDLYI lack courage or fortitude in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity. I am easily frightened, avoid or run away from challenging situations.
- CRUELTYI like to cause suffering or harm to others or feel no concern about it.
- CUNNINGI have the quality of being clever, cunning, or deceitful in achieving my goals or outwitting others.
- CURIOUSI have the presence of a conscious interest in the surrounding reality, the desire for knowledge of the world.
- CYNICISMI incline to cynicism, a skeptical or distrustful attitude towards the motives, sincerity, or integrity of others, often accompanied by a belief that people act out of self-interest.
- DEMONSTRATIVEI openly express or display emotions, feelings, or affection in a visible or noticeable way.
- DIFFUSEI often fail to grasp incoming information, its essence, inability to sort information according to degree of importance.
- DISAPPOINTINGI often fail to live up to my hopes or expectations.
- DISHONESTI often behave or tend to behave in an untrustworthy or deceitful manner.
- DISSATISFACTIONI often feel dissatisfied or unhappy with a situation, circumstance, or outcome.
- DOUBTSI often feel doubt, uncertainty, hesitation, or skepticism about something.
- DREAMERI have the ability to perceive new spiritual states that are not currently being realized in the environment.
- ECCENTRICITYI usually exhibit unconventional or peculiar behavior or mannerisms.
- EMANCIPATEDI am in a state of being liberated, freed, or released from control, restriction, or dependency, often related to legal or social circumstances.
- ENERGYI have the capacity or ability to do work, exert effort, or sustain activity.
- ENTHUSIASMI have a strong and infectious excitement, passion, or zeal for a particular activity, interest, or goal. I have or show intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
- ENVIOUSI often feel discontent or resentment towards someone else's possessions, qualities, achievements, or advantages. When a person is envious, he desires what another person has and may feel a sense of bitterness or longing because he lacks the same qualities or possessions.
- FAIRI am fair - impartial judgment, recognizing the rights of others / based on impartial judgment, recognizing the rights of others.
- FICKLENESSI tend to change my opinions, decisions, or loyalties frequently or for no apparent reason, often resulting in inconsistency or unpredictability.
- FIRST PLACEI like to be first, on top, or in the highest position in a competition, race, or hierarchy.
- FLIGHTINESSI have a tendency to be easily distracted, impulsive, or unreliable, often characterized by a lack of focus or commitment.
- FRIENDLINESSI am displaying a warm, amicable, and affable attitude towards others.
- FROWNINGI often make an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration, typically by turning down the corners of the mouth.
- GENEROSITYI have the quality of being kind, giving, and willing to help others.
- GENERIOUSI am generous. I like to give a lot; hearty; rich; I feel pleasure give something to people.
- GOODWILLI have a benevolent feelings towards others; a positive disposition. Showing goodwill, willingness.
- GOVERNEDI like to be in a state of being controlled, regulated or governed by a governing authority, laws or established systems. It makes me more confident.
- GRACIOUSI usualy act courteous, kind, and pleasant.
- GREEDYI am having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power.
- HAPPYI often feel happiness, a state of well-being, contentment, or joy.
- HATEFULI am often aroused by, deserving of, or filled with hatred.
- HATREDI often have intense or extreme feelings of dislike, animosity, or hostility toward someone or something.
- HONESTYI tend toward truthfulness, integrity, and sincerity in my words and actions. Free from deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.
- HONORI often feel a personal honor, respect personal honor/guaranteed personal honor; harmless honor, good name; acting honor.
- HOSTILEI may be labeled by others as hostile - unfriendly; antagonistic
- HOT TEMPERI tend to have a quick and easily provoked tendency to anger or irritability, often leading to impulsive or explosive outbursts.
- HYPNOTIZABILITYI have a high degree of hypnotizability. I am easily hypnotized or influenced by hypnosis.
- IGNORANTI lack knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
- IMMPRTALITYI often engage in behavior or actions that are considered morally wrong, unethical, or contrary to accepted principles of right and wrong.
- IMPARTIALI treat all rivals or disputants equally; fairly and justly.
- IMPATIENTI have or show a tendency to be easily irritated or provoked.
- INFANTILISMI am frequently in a state where an individual exhibits childlike behavior, interests, or dependencies beyond what is considered developmentally appropriate.
- INFIDELITYI am unfaithful or disloyal, especially in a romantic relationship.
- INGENUITYI have the quality of being inventive, creative, or resourceful in solving problems or finding innovative solutions.
- INSULARI am ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside my own experience.
- INTEMPERANCEI have a desire to transfer my mental state to others, often accompanied by the hope of some kind of help or support.
- INTOLERANTI am not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behaviors that differ from my own.
- INTRIGUEI like intrigue, a secret or complex plot, scheme, or fascination that arouses curiosity, interest, or a sense of mystery.
- IRONYI use irony, a figure of speech or situation in which the intended meaning is different, often opposite, from the literal or surface meaning.
- IRRESPOSIBILITYI lack accountability, reliability, or diligence in fulfilling duties, obligations, or commitments.
- KIND-HEARTEDI am kindhearted and benevolent.
- KINDNESSI show compassion, consideration, and goodwill toward others. I am sympathetic to the needs of others, always willing to help.
- LAXI am not sufficiently strict, severe, or cautious.
- LAZINESSI am averse or disinclined to work or exert effort; idle or indolent, unwilling to work or expend energy.
- LIBERALI am willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from my own; open to new ideas.
- LOYALTYI have a strong sense of faithfulness, commitment, or allegiance to a person, group, or cause.
- LYINGI intentionally give false information or deceive others.
- MALICIOUSI am someone who intentionally and deliberately seeks to harm, hurt, or cause distress to others. Sometimes I have ill intentions and derive satisfaction or pleasure from causing negative consequences for others.
- MANIPULATIONI use deceptive or cunning means to influence or control others in order to achieve personal goals or desired outcomes.
- MELANCHOLYI am often in a state of deep sadness, gloom, or depression. It refers to a feeling of sorrow or a tendency toward introspection, contemplation, and melancholy.
- MISANTHROPYI generaly dislike, distrust, or contempt for humankind or human society.
- MONOTONYI have a lack of variety, interest, or excitement; repetitive or dull routine.
- MUTENESSI have the inability to speak or communicate using speech. Condition or state of being unable or unwilling to speak or communicate verbally.
- NAIVETÉI feel that I have a lack of experience, sophistication, or worldly knowledge; innocence.
- NARCISSISMI have a personality trait characterized by excessive self-interest, self-admiration, and a grandiose sense of self-importance
- NON-FORGIVINGI have an attitude of being unwilling or unable to forgive others for their mistakes or wrongdoings.
- OBEDIENCEI am often complying or submitting to authority, government, rules, or instructions.
- OFFENSIVEI am often offensive, even sometimes causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry.
- OPENI have an open manifestation of my spiritual state to a partner in order to improve relationships, but not exhibitionism.
- OPTIMISM I think in a positive outlook or mindset that expects favorable outcomes or sees the bright side of situations.
- PARASITISMI need a symbiotic relationship in which my organism (the parasite) benefits at the expense of another organism (the host).
- PASSIVEI feel the desire for invisibility due to fear of causing an unfavorable reaction from the outside, often associated with spiritual fatigue or weakness of the spirit
- PATRIOTISMI have a devotion and love for my country; loyalty and support for its ideals.
- PEACEFULNESS I like a state or quality of being calm, tranquil, or free from violence or conflict. Free from disturbance; tranquil.
- PESSIMISMI have a tendency to expect negative outcomes or see the worst in situations.
- PESSIMISTICI tend to see the worst aspect in things or believe that the worst will happen
- PHILANTHROPY I incline to philanthropy, the act of promoting the welfare of others, typically through charitable donations, actions, or support.
- PHLEGMATICI am a personality type characterized by calmness, sluggishness, or a lack of emotional reactivity.
- PICKINGI have the desire to "find a straw in someone else's eye," to "make an elephant out of a fly," usually for the purpose of personal satisfaction or self-preservation.
- PLIABILITYI have the flexibility, adaptability, or willingness to change or be influenced by others or new circumstances.
- PRIDE I often feel deep satisfaction, confidence, or self-esteem in my own accomplishments, qualities, or identity. Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of my own achievements, qualities, or possessions, or those of someone with whom I am closely associated.
- VANITYI have excessive pride or admiration in my own appearance, abilities, or accomplishments.
- PRINCIPLESI use fundamental beliefs, values, or rules to guide and control my behavior, decisions, or actions.
- PROPERI am an orderly; orderly/appropriate; reasonable/great; considerable person.
- PRUDENTI demonstrate careful, wise, and reasonable judgment and decision making. A prudent person is characterized by the ability to assess situations, consider potential risks and consequences, and make thoughtful decisions based on a balanced evaluation of available information.
- QUIET VOICE I have a calm voice and speak softly or at a low volume.
- REALISTI am the person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
- REBELLIOUSNESSI tend to resist or defy authority or established norms.
- RELIABILITYI have the quality of being trustworthy, consistent, or dependable in fulfilling obligations, keeping promises, or producing expected results. Consistently good in quality or performance; trustworthy.
- RELUCTANTI am often reluctant and hesitant; unwilling.
- RESPONSIBILITYI have the quality of being accountable, reliable, or committed to fulfilling my duties, tasks, or roles.
- RIGIDITYI tend to be rigid, inflexible, stubborn, or unwilling to change, adapt, or consider alternative viewpoints or approaches.
- RUTHLESSI do not have or show pity or compassion for others.
- SACRIFICE I can give up something valuable or important for the sake of others or a greater cause. I can be self-sacrificing, willingly putting aside my own needs, desires, or well-being for the benefit or welfare of others.
- SADI often have feelings of sadness, unhappiness, or emotional pain, often characterized by tears, low mood, or a sense of loss.
- SANGUINEI am optimistic, cheerful, or confident, especially in the face of difficulties.
- SATISFIEDI am a very affectionate or loyal, contented; contented person.
- SCRUPULOUSNESSI have the quality of being careful, meticulous, or thorough in adhering to moral, ethical, or professional principles or standards.
- SELFISHI lack consideration for others; I am primarily concerned with my own personal gain or pleasure.
- SELFLESSNESSI have a concern for or focus on the needs, welfare, or interests of others before my own, often accompanied by acts of generosity, altruism, or sacrifice.
- SENSE OF DUTYI have a strong sense of moral or social obligation to fulfill my responsibilities.
- SENTIMENTALITYI have an excessive or overly emotional attachment to sentimental or nostalgic feelings.
- SINCERITYI have the quality of being genuine, honest, or truthful in my thoughts, intentions, or expressions.
- SLANDERI spread false or damaging statements about someone with the intention of harming their reputation.
- SLEEPYI often need to sleep or am often sleepy.
- SLOVENLINESSI have a lack of care, neatness, or cleanliness in my appearance, habits, or surroundings.
- SLUGGISHNESSI lack energy or responsiveness; I tend to be slow or inactive.
- SMILINGI am happy and often smile/express joy and cheerfulness.
- SOCIABILITYI have a tendency or enjoy being in the company of others, having social interactions, or participating in social activities.
- SOLITUDEI am often in a state of being alone or isolated from others; seclusion.
- SPEEDI like speed, the rate or velocity at which something or someone moves, acts, or operates.
- STABILITYI have the quality or state of being stable, steady, or unchanging with an adequate response to external influences, the ability to family life and relationships in the team.
- STINGINESS I have an excessive unwillingness to spend or give money or resources, often characterized by a reluctance to be generous or share.
- STRONG FIRM WILLI have a strong firm will, possessing a resolute determination, perseverance, or unwavering resolve to achieve goals or overcome obstacles.
- STUBBORNNESSI often refuse to change my opinions, ideas, or actions; stubbornness. Having or showing a dogged determination not to change my attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
- SUGGESTIBILITY I am open to suggestion is the susceptibility or responsiveness to being influenced or guided by the suggestions or influences of others.
- SULLENI am usually silent or uncommunicative, showing a lack of cheerfulness or friendliness.
- SUSPICIOUSNESSI have a tendency or disposition to be suspicious, wary, or skeptical of others' motives or intentions.
- TOLERANCEI accept openness or respect for different beliefs, opinions, or behaviors, especially those that differ from my own.
- TOUGHI am physically strong or resilient: physical strength or ability to endure hardship or difficult conditions.
- TRANQUILITYI can often feel a state of calm, peace, or serenity, often characterized by the absence of disturbance, noise, or excitement.
- TREACHERY I have the ability to betray trust or loyalty; to deceive or betray.
- TRUSTFULNESS I have the quality of being trusting, having confidence in others, or believing in their reliability or sincerity.
- TRUSTWORTHYI have a tendency to trust everyone recklessly.
- UNCERTAINTYI am often in a state of doubt, unpredictability, or lack of certainty about an outcome, decision, or situation.
- UNFAITHFULI usually do not feel faithful.
- UNKINDI am unkind - inconsiderate and harsh with others.
- UNPLEASANTI may cause discomfort, unhappiness, or disgust; I may be unpleasant.
- UNPRINCIPLEDI do not act according to moral principles.
- UNSCRUPULOUSNESS I have a lack of moral or ethical principles, often characterized by dishonesty, deceit, or disregard for others.
- UNSELFISHNESSI have the quality or practice of putting the needs, desires, or interests of others before my own, often characterized by acts of generosity, altruism, or self-sacrifice.
- VAMPIRISMI believe that vampirism, in a psychological or cultural context, refers to a fascination or obsession with vampires, often accompanied by a desire to embody their characteristics or engage in vampire-like behavior.
- VINDICTIVENESS I have a strong desire for revenge; a tendency to seek retribution.
- VIVACITY I am often lively, animated, or full of energy and enthusiasm.
- WILLPOWERI have a determination, self-discipline, or resolve to overcome obstacles or achieve goals.
Abilities, talents, expertise, competence, proficiency. Аn individual's skills, competencies, and abilities to perform specific tasks or handle various responsibilities effectively. A person's aptitude and potential for accomplishing goals and fulfilling job requirements.
- ABLE TO LEARNI have the ability to perceive information and the ability to use existing methods of knowledge transfer. Possible to learn new things or receive new knowledge.
- ACCUSATIONSI am able to use assertions or charges made against someone, implying their involvement or responsibility in a particular wrongdoing or offense.
- ANNOYINGI can be discribed as annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
- CLAIROYANCEI have the ability to perceive events or information beyond normal sensory contact; psychic insight.
- CLEVERI am intellectually advanced; clever / indicative of cleverness, cleverly executed.
- CONVERSATIONI am good at conversation, the interactive exchange of thoughts, ideas, information, or opinions between two or more people, typically through spoken language.
- DECISIVEI have determination or resilience in pursuing goals or making decisions. settling a matter; producing a definite result.
- DETERMINEDWhen I have made a firm decision and am determined not to change it.
- DILIGENCEI give persistent and conscientious effort to a task or work, demonstrating thoroughness, perseverance, and attention to detail.
- DISCIPLINEI have the ability to self-organize in the process of practical activity, behavior, actions, or impulses in according to rules, order, or self-control.
- DISTRUSTFULNESSI have suspicion or lack of trust in others, feeling or showing distrust of someone or something.
- ENDURANCEI have the ability to endure hardship, fatigue, or pain.
- FORESIGHTI have the ability to anticipate or predict future events or consequences.
- FRAGRANCESI sense pleasant or distinctive scents or odors. They can be found in various forms, including perfumes, colognes, essential oils, candles, air fresheners, and other products that emit a particular scent.
- FUSSINESSI have a tendency to be excessively concerned with minor details, particular preferences, or demands, often displaying a high level of pickiness or irritability.
- GENIUSI have an exceptional intellectual or creative ability, often characterized by extraordinary talent, insight, or innovation.
- HARSHNESSI have a rough, severe, or cruel manner or treatment, lacking kindness or gentleness.
- IMPRACTICALI am inappropriate for use or action; not reasonable or realistic.
- INDECISIONI have difficulty or reluctance in making decisions. Not resolving a problem.
- INDEPENDENCEI have the ability to rely on myself, make decisions, and function autonomously without excessive reliance on others.
- INQUISITIVENESSI have the quality of being curious, eager to learn, or inquiring about things.
- INVENTINGI create or develop new ideas, concepts, or products through creative thinking and innovation.
- INVENTIVENESSI have the ability to find a way out of difficult situations based on accumulated experience, interpret it correctly, and use it to improve mutual understanding with a partner.
- JUSTICEI follow the concept of fairness, impartiality, and equitable treatment in moral, social, or legal contexts, ensuring that individuals are given their due rights and that wrongs are appropriately addressed.
- LANGUAGES (study) I like learning or studying languages, including their grammar, vocabulary, and cultural aspects.
- LEFT-HANDEDNESSI have a preference or predominant use of the left hand over the right hand for various activities, such as writing, eating, or throwing.
- LOGICI tend to reason and think on the basis of sound principles or valid arguments.
- MEMORY (good) I have the ability to remember or recall information, experiences, or details accurately and easily.
- METICULOUSNESSI have great attention to detail; thoroughness in work or tasks.
- PAIN TOLERANCEI have the ability to endure or tolerate physical pain.
- PATIENCEI have the ability to endure delay, provocation, or hardship with calmness, tolerance, and perseverance.
- PEDANTRYI have an excessive concern for or adherence to minor details, rules, or formalities, often accompanied by a display of knowledge or correctness.
- PERSISTENTI am continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
- PRESENTIMENTI often feel or sense that something will happen in the future, often without any rational or logical explanation. It is an intuitive or instinctive anticipation or premonition of an event or outcome before it actually occurs.
- SARCASMI use a form of irony or mockery expressed through witty, often biting remarks or comments.
- SIMPLICITYI have the quality of being uncomplicated, straightforward, or not overly complex.
- STREGHT (physical)I have the capability or power of the body to exert force, resist strain, or perform demanding tasks.
- THOROUGHNESSI have the quality of being meticulous, careful, or paying attention to detail in my work, tasks, or actions. Complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial.
- VISIONSI have the ability to have perceptual experiences in which an individual sees images or scenes that are not present in the external environment, often associated with altered states of consciousness, hallucinations, or spiritual experiences.
- WIT (sharp)I have the ability to think quickly, cleverly, and humorously, often characterized by a quick and intelligent response or remark.
- WORKOHOLISMI incline to workaholism: an addiction or excessive preoccupation with work.
Technical skills, soft skills, practical knowledge, abilities and proficiencies that an individual possesses in various areas. This category assesses the person's technical or functional skills that are relevant to their field or job.
- AESTHETICSI have the ability to perceive and create completeness, harmony and beauty of forms.
- AESTHETICSI have the ability to perceive and create completeness, harmony and beauty of forms.
- ALACRITY I have an urgency or eagerness to respond or do something.
- AMBITIOUSI have the prism of self-affirmation, the need for which is constantly growing and determining decisions and behavior.
- ARROGANCE I may have an attitude or behavior characterized by an exaggerated sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement.
- AUTHORITATIVENESS I tend toward authoritativeness, the quality of being authoritative or possessing authority and commanding respect or obedience.
- CALMI tend to be calm - unexcited or not subject to excitement.
- CAREERISM I have the attitude or drive to advance my career, often at the expense of other aspects of life or ethical considerations.
- CHARMINGI tend toward prettiness, physical attractiveness expressed in manners and behavior.
- COMPLIMENTS (giving)I am often complimentary, expressing admiration, appreciation, or praise for someone's qualities, accomplishments, or actions.
- CONCENTRATEDI can be totally focused on one thing; intense; totally concentrated.
- CONFIDENTI feel confident - awareness, belief in my own abilities, strengths; self-confidence, self-assurance.
- CONSCIENTIOUSNESS I'm the type of person who is thorough, organized, diligent, and has a strong sense of responsibility. Conscientious - doing one's job, duty with a sense of responsibility / carefully, acted responsibly.
- CONTEMPTI can denote a strong feeling of contempt, disrespect, or disdain for someone or something.
- CONTROLLABILITY I have the ability to manage a situation, process, or outcome that can be influenced or controlled by an individual or external factors.
- CONVINCINGI am able to make someone believe that something is true or real.
- CURSING I often use offensive or profane language to express anger, frustration, or strong emotions.
- DECENCY I engage in behavior or actions that violate accepted standards of morality or decency.
- DECEPTIVEI tend to use actions or behavior that are intended to deceive, trick, or manipulate others. When something or someone is deceptive, it creates a false impression or illusion, often for the purpose of gaining an advantage, achieving a personal goal, or concealing the truth.
- DIPLOMACY I have the ability to tactfully handle delicate or sensitive situations and maintain good relations. With regard to the profession, activity, or ability to manage international relations.
- DIRECTI am straightforward, without reservations in expression/deviating from the original direction.
- DISINTERESTEDNESS I am often in a state of impartiality, neutrality, or lack of personal bias or self-interest in a particular matter or situation.
- DISORDER I have a lack of organization or disruption of normal functioning.
- DISORGANIZATION I have a lack of organization or order, often resulting in confusion or inefficiency. In a state of complete confusion and disorder.
- DISTRACTEDI am unable to concentrate because my mind is often preoccupied.
- ERUDITION I have the capacity for extensive knowledge acquired through study or learning.
- FALSITYI have the quality or state of being false, inaccurate, deceptive, or untrue.
- FLEXIBILITY (of thought) I have the ability to adapt, change perspectives, or consider alternative ideas or approaches.
- FRIVOLITY I have a lack of seriousness or importance, often characterized by shallow or trivial behavior or interests.
- GENTLEI have or display a gentle, kind, or tender temperament or character.
- HABIT OF GETTING STUCK I have a tendency to become fixed or trapped in a particular pattern of behavior, thinking, or decision making.
- HANDYI can handle anything, everything is easy / suitable for the exact purpose.
- HARDWORKINGI am hardworking - diligent and persistent at work.
- HASTE I usually act with a sense of urgency or speed in movement or action.
- HELPLESSNESS I often feel or am unable to help myself; lack power or control.
- HUMILITY I have the quality of being modest, unassuming, or having a low sense of my importance or accomplishments.
- HUMOR I have the ability to perceive, appreciate, or express what is amusing, funny, or comical, often resulting in laughter or amusement.
- IMPETUOSITY I act or speak without thought; impulsiveness.
- IMPOLITEI often do not have or show good manners; rude; offensively rude or ill-mannered.
- INATTENTIVENESS I lack focus, concentration, or proper attention to a task, person, or information.
- INFLUENTIALI have the ability to influence a partner and contribute to their development based on an understanding of objective laws.
- INITIATIVE I have the ability to act independently, show resourcefulness, and be proactive in initiating or driving a process, project, or change.
- INNOVATION I enjoy introducing new ideas, methods or technologies.
- IRRITABILITYI tend to be easily annoyed or provoked. I have or show a tendency to be easily annoyed or upset.
- KEEPING A DIARY I keep a diary in which I regularly record personal thoughts, experiences, or events in a written format.
- LANGUOROUSI can be characterized by tiredness or inactivity, especially of a pleasurable kind, often a state of hopelessness due to the inability to understand my feelings and emotions or what is happening around me.
- LAW-ABIDINGI am a person who conforms to or obeys the laws and regulations of a given society or jurisdiction.
- LEADERSHIPI have the ability to lead, inspire, or influence others in a positive direction or toward a common goal.
- LENIENTI am permissive, merciful, or tolerant, following the art of meeting, showing my position and situation to the partner, ready to go.
- MESSYI do not give enough attention or thought to avoiding harm or mistakes.
- METHODICI have the ability for long-term concentration, systematic, scrupulous. The presence of lasting interests.
- MORALISM I like a strict adherence to moral principles or beliefs, often with a tendency to judge or impose my morals on others.
- NON-DISCIPLINEDI have an inability to self-organize in the process of practical activity.
- NON-INFLUENTIALI lack the ability to have a significant impact or influence on others or events.
- OBLIGATIONI have a moral, legal, or social duty or responsibility that I am obligated to fulfill or comply with.
- OBTUSEI can be annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
- ORDERLINESSI have the quality of being neat, organized, or methodical in my surroundings, activities, or arrangements.
- PERCEPTIVEI am able to perceive well, accessible to impressions / accessible to accepting something.
- PLANNING I do the process of organizing, strategizing, or outlining steps and actions in advance to achieve a specific goal or objective.
- POLITEI behave in an orderly, proper, courteous manner; conform to the rules of social behavior.
- PRACTICALITYI have the quality of being useful, functional, or capable of producing practical results or solutions in a given situation.
- PURPOSEFULMy actions, behavior, or intention that is done with a clear purpose or goal in mind. It implies that there is a specific purpose or goal behind my actions or decisions.
- RATIONALITYI have the ability to think logically, reason, and make decisions based on objective evidence or sound judgment.
- RESPECT (to other people) I respect other people, which includes showing consideration, admiration, or appreciation for the rights, opinions, or feelings of others.
- RESTRAINTI exercise self-control or moderation; I restrain or limit myself by restraint or moderation; I am unemotional or dispassionate.
- SELF-CONTROLI have the ability to regulate or restrain my own emotions, desires, or actions.
- SELF-HARMI inflict physical harm on myself as a way of dealing with emotional distress.
- SELF-UNDERSTANDINGI have the ability to understand all processes of myself.
- SERIOUSI am a serious person - awe-inspiring.
- SLOPPYI am careless and unsystematic; too casual in my duties.
- SOPHISTICATIONI have the quality of being refined, cultured or possessing worldly knowledge and elegance.
- STRESSEDI often feel mental or emotional tension or pressure.
- STUPIDI often have or show a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
- SUCCESSFULNESSI achieve desired results or goals; I am successful or accomplished. Achieving a goal or purpose.
- TACTFULNESS I tend to be sensitive, considerate, and skillful in dealing with others or in handling delicate or difficult situations.
- TAKENI have a subjective, judgmental position, an inability to get out of the usual "frame," a black-and-white alternative.
- TEDIOUSNESSI have the quality of being boring, tiresome or monotonous.
- THRIFTI like the practice of frugality, prudence, or economical use of resources, often associated with saving, avoiding waste, or living within one's means.
- TIDINESS I tend to be neat, organized, or tidy in my surroundings, possessions, or appearance. It's a state of being neat, tidy, and well-organized.
- UNPREDICTABILITY I have the quality of being unpredictable or uncertain in many aspects of my life.
- UNREADABLEI cannot be clear to other people, and it is difficult to read me.
- VERBAL INTELLECTI have the ability or skill to use language, communication, or verbal reasoning.
- VIGILANTI am alert to possible dangers or difficulties.
- WEAKNESS I lack strength, resilience, or the ability to resist temptation or withstand pressure.
- WHIMSICALI am imaginative or unpredictable in an endearing or charming way. It is often associated with a sense of lightheartedness, creativity, and a departure from the ordinary or conventional.
- WISDOM I have the quality of having deep understanding, knowledge, and good judgment, often gained through experience and reflection.
Feelings, emotional intelligence, empathy, emotional states and tendencies of an individual. This category assesses how a person experiences, expresses, and manages their emotions, as well as how they interact with the emotions of others.
- AGALMATOPHILIAI tend to have a paraphilia characterized by sexual attraction or arousal to statues, mannequins, or dolls.
- AMOROUSNESS I have a strong inclination or desire for romantic or sexual relationships.
- ANTISOCIALI am contrary to the laws and customs of society; lacking in or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices.
- ASEXUALI tend to lack sexual attraction to others.
- BITING As a child, I tended to use my teeth to grasp, cut, or puncture something or someone, often associated with aggression, playfulness, or dental problems.
- BOLDNESS I feel a willingness to take risks or act courageously, often in the face of potential challenges or adversity.
- CANNIBALISM I become aroused when I hear, read, or see scenes of cannibalism. The act of consuming the flesh of one's own species.
- CASINOS I enjoy spending time in establishments that offer various forms of gambling, including table games, slot machines, and other games of chance.
- DEPTH (of feeling) I have a deep depth of feeling: intensity or profoundness of emotion or feeling.
- DESIRABLEI am able to express a desire for someone to get something good or beneficial.
- EMOTIONALITY I have a tendency to experience and express emotions in a strong or intense way.
- EMPATHY I have the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions or experiences of others, often with compassion and a willingness to help.
- EXHIBITIONISM I tend to exhibitionism, a behavior characterized by seeking attention or gratification by displaying myself or my actions in a public or attention-grabbing manner.
- FEMININITY I tend to femininity, qualities, behaviors, or attributes associated with being female or traditionally feminine.
- FIDELITY (to one's partner) I tend to Fidelity (to my partner): Faithfulness and loyalty in a romantic or marital relationship.
- FRAILTY I tend toward physical or emotional weakness, delicacy, or vulnerability.
- FREEDOM I like the state of being unrestricted, independent, or not subject to constraints, limitations, or external control.
- FRIGIDITYI am very cold in sexual temperature.
- GERONTOPHILIAI am prone to gerontophilia, a sexual attraction or preference for older or older people.
- GOURMET I enjoy and have a refined taste in food and appreciate fine or high quality culinary experiences.
- HOMOSEXUALITY (F) I tend to homosexuality, a sexual orientation characterized by romantic or sexual attraction primarily to people of the same sex (female homosexuality).
- HOMOSEXUALITY (M) I incline to homosexuality refers to sexual or romantic attraction, desire, or relationships between individuals of the same sex, especially among males.
- HYPERSEXUALITY I tend to hypersexuality: An excessive or compulsive interest in or preoccupation with sexual thoughts, fantasies, or activities.
- INDISCRIMINATEI tend to do things indiscriminately or without careful judgment.
- JEALOUSY I tend to be jealous, an emotion characterized by possessiveness, envy, or resentment toward someone perceived as having an advantage or possessing something desired. To feel or show envy of someone or their accomplishments and advantages.
- KISSING I enjoy pressing my lips to someone or something as a sign of affection, greeting, or romantic intimacy.
- MASOCHISMI tend toward masochism, the enjoyment or pursuit of gratification through the experience of pain, humiliation, or discomfort, often in a consensual context.
- MODESTYI have a modest, unassuming, or moderate view of myself, my accomplishments, or my possessions, often accompanied by a lack of excessive pride or arrogance. Small demands, requirements; undemanding; who does not have an exaggerated opinion / simple;
- NECROPHILIAI tend to necrophilia, a paraphilia characterized by a sexual attraction to or fixation on corpses or the act of engaging in sexual activity with dead bodies.
- NYMPHOMANIAI am prone to nymphomania, also known as hypersexuality, a term used to describe excessive or uncontrollable sexual desire or behavior in women.
- OBSESSIVE I have an uncontrollable and persistent fixation or preoccupation with something. I preoccupy or fill (someone's) mind constantly, intrusively, and to a disturbing degree.
- PLAYFULNESSI have the ability and need to create a sexual mood and its satisfaction based on the physical characteristics of the organism.
- PROMISCUITY I engage in casual or indiscriminate sexual behavior or have multiple sexual partners.
- RECEPTIVENESSI have a willingness or openness to receive, accept, or consider new ideas, perspectives, or information.
- RECKLESSNESSI act with disregard or indifference to potential risks, consequences, or safety considerations, often resulting in careless or impulsive behavior... (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.
- RISKI care about the possibility of loss, harm, or danger; exposure to uncertainty or danger.
- SADISMI am aroused by sadism, the pleasure or gratification derived from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others, often in a consensual or sexual context.
- SATYRIASISI am prone to satyriasis, also known as hypersexuality, a condition characterized by excessive or uncontrollable sexual desire or behavior in males.
- SCANDALOUSI cause general public outrage through a perceived violation of morality or law.
- SENSITIVITY I have the ability to perceive or react quickly to subtle changes, stimuli, or emotions, often indicating heightened awareness or receptivity.
- SENSUALITYI enjoy the appreciation or indulgence of physical pleasure, enjoyment, or sensual pleasure, often associated with the realm of touch, taste, smell, and intimacy.
- SEXUALITY I have the ability and need to satisfy sexual needs, sexual preferences, attractions, or orientations.
- SUBMISSIONI am submissive, the act or state of yielding, surrendering, or submitting to the authority, control, or desires of others. I am willing to conform to the authority or will of others; meekly obedient or passive.
- SYMPATHYI tend to understand, sympathize, or feel sorry for the suffering or difficulties of others. Feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy.
- TACTLESSI have or show a lack of skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.
- TALKATIVENESSI have a tendency to talk excessively or have long conversations.
- TEAMWORK I enjoy teamwork, the collaborative effort of a group of individuals working together toward a common goal or objective.
- TEARFULNESSI have a tendency or readiness to cry or shed tears, often in response to emotional or sentimental stimuli.
- TENDERNESS I show gentleness, care, or affection toward others, often expressed through actions, words, or gestures.
- THEATRICALITYI have a mannerism that is dramatic, exaggerated, or staged for effect, often to emphasize emotions or attract attention.
- TICKLING I have a sensation caused by light touch or movement that elicits a reflexive response of laughter or squirming. It is a form of physical stimulation that typically produces a tickling or tingling sensation, often in sensitive areas of the body.
- VENGEFULNESS I have a strong desire for revenge or retaliation against someone who has wronged or harmed me or others. Seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.
- VOYEURISMI am prone to voyeurism, the practice or enjoyment of observing others without their knowledge or consent, often for sexual gratification.
- ZOOPHILIAI become aroused when I hear or read about zoophilia, a sexual attraction or fixation to animals, involving a strong emotional or sexual connection to animals.
- AGALMATOPHILIEJ'ai tendance à avoir une paraphilie caractérisée par une attirance ou une excitation sexuelle pour les statues, les mannequins ou les poupées.
- AMOUREUXJ'ai une forte inclination ou un fort désir pour les relations amoureuses ou sexuelles.
- ANTISOCIALJe suis contraire aux lois et aux coutumes de la société ; manquant ou antagoniste des instincts ou des pratiques sociables.
- ASEXUÉJ'ai tendance à manquer d'attirance sexuelle envers les autres.
- MORDANTEnfant, j'avais tendance à utiliser mes dents pour saisir, couper ou percer quelque chose ou quelqu'un, ce qui était souvent associé à une agression, à un jeu ou à des problèmes dentaires.
- AUDACEJe ressens une volonté de prendre des risques ou d’agir avec courage, souvent face à des défis ou à l’adversité potentiels.
- CANNIBALISMEJe suis excité lorsque j'entends, lis ou vois des scènes de cannibalisme. L'acte de consommer la chair de sa propre espèce.
- CASINOSJ'aime passer du temps dans des établissements proposant diverses formes de jeux de hasard, notamment des jeux de table, des machines à sous et d'autres jeux de hasard.
- PROFONDEUR (du sentiment)J'ai une profonde profondeur de sentiment : l'intensité ou la profondeur de l'émotion ou du sentiment.
- SOUHAITABLEJe suis capable d’exprimer le désir que quelqu’un reçoive quelque chose de bon ou de bénéfique.
- ÉMOTIVITÉJ'ai tendance à ressentir et à exprimer des émotions de manière forte ou intense.
- EMPATHIEJ'ai la capacité de comprendre et de partager les sentiments, les émotions ou les expériences des autres, souvent avec compassion et volonté d'aider.
- EXHIBITIONNISMEJ'ai tendance à l'exhibitionnisme, un comportement caractérisé par la recherche d'attention ou de gratification en m'exhibant ou en affichant mes actions de manière publique ou accrocheuse.
- LA FÉMINITÉJ'ai tendance à privilégier la féminité, les qualités, les comportements ou les attributs associés au fait d'être féminin ou traditionnellement féminin.
- FIDÉLITÉ (à son partenaire)J'ai tendance à la Fidélité (envers mon partenaire) : Fidélité et loyauté dans une relation amoureuse ou conjugale.
- FRAGILITÉJ'ai tendance à avoir une faiblesse physique ou émotionnelle, une délicatesse ou une vulnérabilité.
- LIBERTÉJ'aime l'état d'être sans restriction, indépendant ou non soumis à des contraintes, des limitations ou un contrôle externe.
- FRIGIDITÉJ'ai très froid en température sexuelle.
- GÉRONTOPHILEJe suis sujet à la gérontophilie, une attirance ou une préférence sexuelle pour les personnes âgées ou âgées.
- GOURMETJ'apprécie et ai un goût raffiné pour la nourriture et j'apprécie les expériences culinaires fines ou de haute qualité.
- HOMOSEXUALITÉ (F)J'ai tendance à l'homosexualité, une orientation sexuelle caractérisée par une attirance romantique ou sexuelle principalement envers les personnes du même sexe (homosexualité féminine).
- HOMOSEXUALITÉ (M)J'incline à l'homosexualité fait référence à une attirance, un désir ou des relations sexuelles ou romantiques entre individus du même sexe, en particulier entre hommes.
- HYPERSEXUALITÉJ'ai tendance à l'hypersexualité : un intérêt ou une préoccupation excessif ou compulsif pour les pensées, les fantasmes ou les activités sexuels.
- INDISCRIMINÉJ'ai tendance à faire les choses sans discernement ou sans jugement minutieux.
- JALOUSIEJ'ai tendance à être jaloux, une émotion caractérisée par la possessivité, l'envie ou le ressentiment envers quelqu'un perçu comme ayant un avantage ou possédant quelque chose de désiré. Ressentir ou montrer de l’envie envers quelqu’un ou envers ses réalisations et ses avantages.
- BAISERJ'aime presser mes lèvres sur quelqu'un ou quelque chose en signe d'affection, de salutation ou d'intimité romantique.
- MASOCHISMEJ'ai tendance au masochisme, à la jouissance ou à la recherche de gratification à travers l'expérience de la douleur, de l'humiliation ou de l'inconfort, souvent dans un contexte consensuel.
- MODESTIEJ'ai une vision modeste, sans prétention ou modérée de moi-même, de mes réalisations ou de mes biens, souvent accompagnée d'un manque de fierté ou d'arrogance excessive. Petites demandes, exigences ; peu exigeant; qui n'a pas d'opinion exagérée/simple ;
- NÉCROPHILIEJ'ai tendance à la nécrophilie, une paraphilie caractérisée par une attirance sexuelle ou une fixation sur les cadavres ou par l'acte de se livrer à une activité sexuelle avec des cadavres.
- NYMPHOMANIEJe suis sujette à la nymphomanie, également connue sous le nom d'hypersexualité, terme utilisé pour décrire un désir ou un comportement sexuel excessif ou incontrôlable chez les femmes.
- OBSESSIONNELJ'ai une fixation ou une préoccupation incontrôlable et persistante pour quelque chose. Je préoccupe ou remplis l'esprit (de quelqu'un) constamment, de manière intrusive et à un degré inquiétant.
- ESPIÈGLERIEJ'ai la capacité et le besoin de créer une ambiance sexuelle et sa satisfaction basée sur les caractéristiques physiques de l'organisme.
- LA PROMISCUITÉJ'ai un comportement sexuel occasionnel ou aveugle ou j'ai plusieurs partenaires sexuels.
- RÉCEPTIONJ'ai la volonté ou l'ouverture de recevoir, d'accepter ou de considérer de nouvelles idées, perspectives ou informations.
- INSOUCIANCEJ'agis avec mépris ou indifférence à l'égard des risques potentiels, des conséquences ou des considérations de sécurité, ce qui entraîne souvent un comportement imprudent ou impulsif... (d'une personne ou de ses actions) sans penser ni me soucier des conséquences d'une action.
- RISQUEJe me soucie de la possibilité de perte, de préjudice ou de danger ; exposition à l’incertitude ou au danger.
- SADISMEJe suis excité par le sadisme, le plaisir ou la gratification découlant du fait d'infliger de la douleur, de la souffrance ou de l'humiliation à autrui, souvent dans un contexte consensuel ou sexuel.
- SATYRIASEJe suis sujet au satyriasis, également connu sous le nom d'hypersexualité, une condition caractérisée par un désir ou un comportement sexuel excessif ou incontrôlable chez les hommes.
- SCANDALEUXJe provoque l'indignation du grand public en raison d'une violation perçue de la moralité ou de la loi.
- SENSIBILITÉJ'ai la capacité de percevoir ou de réagir rapidement à des changements, des stimuli ou des émotions subtils, indiquant souvent une conscience ou une réceptivité accrue.
- SENSUALITÉJ'apprécie l'appréciation ou l'indulgence du plaisir physique, du plaisir ou du plaisir sensuel, souvent associé au domaine du toucher, du goût, de l'odorat et de l'intimité.
- SEXUALITÉJ'ai la capacité et le besoin de satisfaire des besoins sexuels, des préférences, des attirances ou des orientations sexuelles.
- SOUMISSIONJe suis soumis, l'acte ou l'état de céder, de s'abandonner ou de se soumettre à l'autorité, au contrôle ou aux désirs des autres. Je suis prêt à me conformer à l'autorité ou à la volonté des autres ; docilement obéissant ou passif.
- SYMPATHIEJ'ai tendance à comprendre, à sympathiser ou à me sentir désolé pour la souffrance ou les difficultés des autres. Ressentir, montrer ou exprimer de la sympathie.
- SANS TACTILEJ'ai ou fais preuve d'un manque de compétence et de sensibilité dans mes relations avec les autres ou face à des problèmes difficiles.
- LOQUACITÉJ'ai tendance à parler excessivement ou à avoir de longues conversations.
- TRAVAIL EN ÉQUIPEJ'aime le travail d'équipe, l'effort collaboratif d'un groupe d'individus travaillant ensemble vers un but ou un objectif commun.
- LarmesJ'ai tendance ou suis prêt à pleurer ou à verser des larmes, souvent en réponse à des stimuli émotionnels ou sentimentaux.
- TENDRESSEJe fais preuve de douceur, d'attention ou d'affection envers les autres, souvent exprimés par des actions, des paroles ou des gestes.
- THÉÂTRALITÉJ'ai un maniérisme dramatique, exagéré ou mis en scène pour obtenir un effet, souvent pour souligner les émotions ou attirer l'attention.
- CHATOUILLEMENTJ'ai une sensation provoquée par un toucher léger ou un mouvement qui suscite une réponse réflexive de rire ou de se tortiller. Il s'agit d'une forme de stimulation physique qui produit généralement une sensation de chatouillement ou de picotement, souvent dans les zones sensibles du corps.
- VengeanceJ'ai un fort désir de vengeance ou de représailles contre quelqu'un qui m'a fait du tort ou qui m'a fait du mal ou à autrui. Chercher à faire du mal à quelqu'un en échange d'une blessure perçue.
- VOYEURISMEJe suis enclin au voyeurisme, à la pratique ou au plaisir d'observer les autres à leur insu ou sans leur consentement, souvent pour une gratification sexuelle.
- ZOOPHILEJe suis excité lorsque j'entends ou lis parler de zoophilie, une attirance ou une fixation sexuelle pour les animaux, impliquant un fort lien émotionnel ou sexuel avec les animaux.
Physical well-being, fitness, vitality, wellness. Аn individual's physical and mental well-being. This category assesses various aspects of a person's health and their ability to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
- ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASEI tend to have a sudden onset of infection or inflammation in the respiratory system, resulting in symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, congestion, or difficulty breathing.
- ADENOIDSI tend to have lymphatic tissue in the back of the throat that helps filter and protect against infection.
- AGORAPHOBIAI am prone to agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by a fear or avoidance of situations or places that may cause feelings of panic, helplessness, or embarrassment.
- ALLERGIESI tend to have allergic reactions triggered by exposure to certain substances or allergens, such as orange or purple.
- ANOREXIAI am prone to anorexia, also known as anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, distorted body image, and severe restriction of food intake.
- ANTRITISI tend to antritis, also known as sinusitis, is an inflammation or infection of the sinuses, often resulting in symptoms such as facial pain, nasal congestion, headache, or post-nasal drip.
- ASTHMA (bronchial)I tend to asthma, bronchial: A chronic respiratory disease characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, resulting in difficulty breathing.
- ATTENTION (to detail)I have good attention to detail, which refers to the ability or tendency to focus on and notice even small or minor aspects of a task, object, or situation.
- ATTENTION (to people)I have good attention, which refers to the act of focusing or concentrating on a particular thing, task, or conversation.
- ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (in children)I tend to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that significantly impairs daily functioning and academic performance.
- BELCHINGI burp frequently: the release of gas from the stomach through the mouth, often accompanied by a sound or smell.
- BLINDNESSI have complete or partial loss of vision, resulting in an inability to see or perceive visual stimuli.
- BOWEL POLYPSI tend to have intestinal polyps, which are abnormal growths that develop on the inner lining of the colon or rectum, often benign but with the potential to become cancerous over time.
- BRONCHIAL ASTHMAI have a tendency to bronchial asthma: See "Asthma, Bronchial".
- BULIMIAI incline to bulimia, also known as bulimia nervosa, is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, excessive exercise, or fasting.
- CLAUSTROPHOBIAI tend to have claustrophobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear or anxiety of enclosed or confined spaces, resulting in avoidance or distressing symptoms when exposed to such situations.
- CLUMSINESS I have a lack of coordination, dexterity, or grace, often resulting in awkward or uncoordinated movements. Awkward in movement or handling of objects.
- CONJUNCTIVITISI have a tendency to conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, which is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the thin, transparent layer that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids) that causes redness, itching, and discharge.
- COUGHINGI tend to cough, a reflex action that helps clear the airways by forcing air out of the lungs to remove irritants or mucus.
- CROHN’S DISEASEI incline to Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the digestive tract, causing inflammation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms.
- CYSTITISI incline to cystitis: inflammation of the bladder, often caused by a urinary tract infection.
- DEAFNESSI tend to deafness is a partial or complete loss of hearing, resulting in an inability to perceive sound or auditory stimuli.
- DENTAL CARIESI am often solving tooth decay or cavities caused by bacteria and plaque buildup.
- DEPRESSION I tend to have a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, and a diminished ability to experience pleasure or enjoy life.
- DIARRHEAI am inclined to diarrhea, a condition characterized by loose, watery stools and an increased frequency of bowel movements.
- DIETING I have a need to regulate or control my food intake or eating habits to achieve a specific health or weight goal.
- DRY MOUTHI tend to have a dry mouth: Insufficient saliva production, resulting in a feeling of dryness in the mouth.
- DUODENAL ULCERI tend to have a duodenal ulcer, a type of peptic ulcer that develops in the lining of the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine), typically caused by erosion of the protective mucus layer and increased stomach acid production.
- DYSBIOSISI lean toward dysbiosis, an imbalance or disruption of the normal microbial community or microbiota in the body, often in the gut, that can lead to health problems or symptoms.
- ENURESISI tend to enuresis: involuntary urination, commonly called bedwetting, especially during sleep.
- EPILEPSYI lean toward Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures or convulsions due to abnormal brain activity.
- EROTOMANIAI lean toward erotomania, a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by a delusional belief that someone, usually of higher social status, is deeply in love with the individual, despite a lack of evidence or reciprocation.
- ESOPHAGITISI am prone to esophagitis, an inflammation of the esophagus, usually caused by acid reflux or irritation.
- EXHIBITIONISM (illness)I incline to exhibitionism, in the context of an illness, that may refer to a paraphilic disorder involving recurrent and intense sexual arousal from exposing my genitals to others without their consent.
- FALLING (often)I fall frequently, a symptom or manifestation of various medical conditions, balance disorders, or neurological problems that result in frequent episodes of unintentional loss of balance or falls.
- FLABBINESS I tend to be soft, loose, or lacking in firmness, often used to describe physical characteristics associated with excess body fat or lack of muscle tone.
- FUNGOUS DISEASEI incline to fungal disease, or fungal infection, is an infection caused by fungi that can affect different parts of the body, such as the skin, nails, or internal organs.
- GASTRITISI have gastritis, an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, often caused by infection, excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or other causes.
- GLOMERULONEPHRITISI incline to dlomerulonephritis, a group of kidney diseases characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli, the filtering units of the kidneys, which can lead to impaired kidney function and other complications.
- GLUTTONY I incline to gluttony, the excessive and indulgent consumption of food or drink beyond what is necessary for sustenance, often driven by a lack of self-control.
- GONORRHEAI incline to Gonorrhea: a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
- GOUTI incline to Gout, a type of arthritis characterized by sudden and severe joint pain, swelling, and redness, often affecting the base of the big toe.
- GRAPHOMANIA I incline to graphomania, an obsessive or compulsive urge to write, often resulting in an excessive production of written material.
- HALLUCINATIONS (audio)I am prone to audio hallucinations, perceptual experiences of hearing sounds, voices, or other auditory sensations that are not actually present, often associated with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or psychotic disorders.
- HALLUCINATIONS (visual)I am prone to visual hallucinations, perceiving things that are not there in reality, especially visual experiences without external stimuli.
- HEAD COLDI incline to a head cold, a common viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that typically causes symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat.
- HEALTHYI tend to good health; taking care of my mental and physical health / trying to prevent health complications.
- HEMORRHOIDSI tend to hemorrhoids, a swollen and inflamed blood vessel in the rectum or anus, often causing pain, itching, and discomfort.
- HOT-BLOODED I am passionate or easily aroused emotionally.
- HYPERACTIVITYI have excessive or unusually high levels of physical or mental activity and restlessness.
- HYPERTHERMIAI tend to hyperthermia, a condition characterized by an elevated body temperature that exceeds the normal range, often caused by prolonged exposure to high environmental temperatures or certain medical conditions.
- HYPERTONIAI tend to hypertonia, a condition characterized by increased muscle tone or stiffness, resulting in reduced flexibility, restricted movement, or resistance to passive movement.
- HYPOTHERMIAI tend to hypothermia: abnormally low body temperature, usually below 35°C (95°F), resulting from prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.
- HYPOTONIAI tend to hypotonia, a condition characterized by low muscle tone or reduced muscle stiffness, resulting in poor muscle strength and control.
- HYSTERIA I am prone to a psychological or emotional condition characterized by uncontrollable or excessive emotions, often resulting in exaggerated or irrational behavior.
- IMMUNODEFICIENCY (congenital)I tend to congenital immunodeficiency, a condition in which a person is born with a weakened or compromised immune system, making them more susceptible to infection and disease.
- IMPOTENCEI lean toward impotence: erectile dysfunction, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity.
- IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROMEI tend to irritable bowel syndrome, a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by recurrent abdominal pain, changes in bowel movements (such as diarrhea or constipation), and bloating, without any detectable structural abnormalities.
- ITCHINGI am prone to itching, also known as pruritus, a sensation on the skin that triggers the desire to scratch, often caused by various factors such as skin conditions, allergies, or underlying health problems.
- KLEPTOMANIAI am prone to kleptomania, a psychological disorder characterized by a recurring urge to steal items that are not needed for personal use or monetary gain.
- METEOSENSITIVITYI am prone to meteosensitivity, a heightened sensitivity or physical response to changes in weather or atmospheric conditions.
- NASAL POLYPSI am prone to nasal polyps, which are soft, noncancerous growths that develop in the lining of the nasal passages or sinuses, often causing nasal congestion, runny nose, and decreased sense of smell.
- NEGLIGENCEI tend to fail to exercise reasonable care or attention, resulting in harm, damage or injury to myself or others, often due to negligence or oversight.
- NEPHROLITHIASISI am prone to nephrolithiasis: the formation of kidney stones, solid crystalline deposits in the kidneys.
- NEURODERMATITISI lean toward neurodermatitis, also known as lichen simplex chronicus, a skin condition characterized by itchy, thickened patches of skin that can result from repeated scratching or rubbing.
- ORAL HERPESI incline to oral herpes: a viral infection characterized by the development of painful blisters or sores on or around the mouth.
- OTITISI incline to otitis: inflammation or infection of the ear, often divided into different types such as otitis media (middle ear infection) or otitis externa (infection of the external ear canal).
- PHOBIASI am prone to phobias, anxiety disorders characterized by an excessive and irrational fear of certain objects, situations, or activities, resulting in avoidance behaviors.
- PIMPLESI tend to pimples, also known as acne, skin lesions that occur when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, resulting in the formation of raised bumps or pustules.
- PSORIASISI tend to have psoriasis: A chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin.
- PYELONEPHRITISI incline to Pyelonephritis: A bacterial infection of the kidneys that typically causes symptoms such as fever, flank pain, frequent urination, and urinary tract symptoms.
- RHINITISI incline to Rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal passages, often causing symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and runny nose.
- SCHIZOPHRENIAI incline to Schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder characterized by a combination of symptoms including hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, and impaired social functioning.
- SHORTSIGHTEDNESSI tend to be nearsighted, also known as myopia, a refractive error of the eye that causes difficulty seeing distant objects clearly while near objects appear clearer.
- SICKLINESSI am prone to sickliness: frequent or chronic illness; a state of being physically weak or prone to illness. Lack of concern or disregard for my own well-being or for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- SINUSITISI am prone to sinusitis, inflammation or infection of the sinuses, often resulting in symptoms such as facial pain, nasal congestion, headache, or post-nasal drip.
- SOMNAMBULISMI am prone to somnambulism: Sleepwalking, a sleep disorder in which a person walks or engages in other activities while asleep.
- SQUEAMISHNESSI incline to squeamishness, a feeling of sickness, nausea, or discomfort in response to sights, sounds, or experiences that are considered unpleasant, shocking, or repulsive.
- STAMMERINGI incline to Stammering, also known as stuttering, a speech disorder characterized by involuntary interruptions or repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words, often accompanied by physical tension or struggle.
- STOMACH ULCERI incline to Peptic Ulcer, also known as gastric ulcer, an open sore or lesion that forms on the lining of the stomach, often caused by erosion of the protective mucus layer, leading to pain, discomfort, and potential complications.
- STOMATITISI lean toward stomatitis: inflammation of the lining of the mouth, often causing pain and sores.
- SYPHILISI have syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, typically transmitted through sexual contact, which can cause a wide range of symptoms affecting various organs if left untreated.
- TAKE CARE ABOUT LIFEI take care of my health, in combination with the right regime throughout the day, or with a combination of sports activities.
- TEMPERATURE (always slightly high)I tend to have a consistently slightly high body temperature may indicate an underlying medical condition or chronic inflammation and it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.
- TEMPERATURE (always slightly low)My temperature (always slightly low): A consistently lower than normal body temperature.
- TONSILLITISI tend to have inflammation and infection of the tonsils, which are two oval-shaped lymphatic tissues located at the back of the throat. It is typically caused by viral or bacterial infections, with the most common pathogens being streptococcus bacteria.
- TRAUMA (often)I am experiencing trauma, which can often have a significant impact on a person's mental and emotional well-being, often leading to psychological distress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or other trauma-related conditions.
- URETHRITISI tend to urethritis: inflammation of the urethra, often caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
- VAGINITISI incline to vaginitis: inflammation or infection of the vagina, often causing symptoms such as vaginal itching, discharge, and discomfort.
- VEGETATIVE-VASCULAR DYSTONIAI incline to Vegetative-vascular dystonia: a condition characterized by disturbances in the autonomic nervous system, resulting in a variety of physical and emotional symptoms.
- VITILIGOI tend to have Vitiligo: a long-term skin disorder characterized by loss of pigmentation, resulting in white patches on the skin.
Addictions, dependencies, harmful habits. An individual's behavior and tendencies related to substance use, particularly drugs and other addictive substances. Understanding a person's attitudes, experiences, and potential risk factors associated with substance abuse.
- ABSTINENTI am a person who refrains from drinking alcoholic beverages.
- ALCOHOLI like alcohol: a beverage containing ethanol that can have intoxicating effects when consumed.
- ALCOHOL (addiction)I have a compulsive and unhealthy dependence on alcohol, which has negative consequences for my physical, mental, and social well-being.
- ALCOHOL (high tolerance)I have the ability to consume alcohol without experiencing significant effects or intoxication. I can drink a lot.
- ALCOHOL (low tolerance)I become affected by alcohol more quickly or with a smaller amount than others. I need very little alcohol to get drunk.
- ALCOHOLISMI am prone to alcoholism, which is characterized by an inability to control or stop drinking despite negative consequences, often leading to physical and psychological dependence on alcohol and affecting various areas of a person's life.
- COFFEEI like coffee: a caffeinated beverage made from roasted coffee beans.
- DEPENDENCE (on alcohol, drugs or gambling games) I incline to dependence (to alcohol, drugs, or gambling games): reliance on substances or activities to function or cope.
- DEPENDENCE (on people) I incline to dependence on people, relying heavily on others for support, guidance, or meeting my emotional or practical needs.
- DRUGS ADDICTIONI incline to drug addiction in general, a chronic and compulsive disorder characterized by the intense craving, seeking, and use of drugs despite negative consequences and physical or psychological dependence.
- DRUGS (hard)I am addicted to hard drugs, substances that are highly addictive, harmful, and often illegal, such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine.
- DRUGS (soft) I tend to soft drugs, substances used for medical or recreational purposes, with milder effects compared to harder drugs.
- MONEY-LENDINGI am prone to moneylending, the practice of lending money to individuals or businesses in exchange for interest or fees.
- SMOKINGI tend to smoke, the inhalation of smoke from burning tobacco or other substances, often through the use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or electronic devices.
- TEAI like tea, a beverage made by steeping dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water, often consumed for its flavor, aroma, or potential health benefits.
- SPIRTI like strong white alcohol: a clear alcoholic beverage.
- WINEI like wine, an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits, often enjoyed for its flavors and aromas.
Leisure activities, interests, pastimes, recreational pursuits. Аn individual's leisure activities, interests, and pursuits outside of work or professional obligations. Understanding the person's personal preferences, recreational choices, and how they spend their free time.
- ANTIQUES I like antiques, objects or items that are old, collectible, and often of historical or cultural value because of their age, craftsmanship, or rarity.
- ASTROLOGY I like the idea of believing or studying how the positions and movements of celestial bodies can influence human behavior, personality traits, and future events.
- ASTRONOMY I like the scientific study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies.
- BATHING I like washing myself, which usually involves using water and soap to clean the body.
- BIRDS (pets)I like birds or have a pet bird, domesticated species of birds that provide companionship, entertainment, and beauty in a household or personal setting.
- CATSI like cats: domesticated carnivorous mammals, often kept as pets.
- CLEANING I like cleaning: the act of removing dirt, dust, stains, or clutter from surfaces, objects, or spaces to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
- COLLECTING I like collecting: the hobby or activity of acquiring and assembling a particular type of object or items based on personal interest or passion.
- COOKING I like cooking: the process of preparing food by combining ingredients and applying heat.
- CROSSWORD PUZZLES I like crossword puzzles, word games or puzzles in which words are filled into a grid based on given clues or definitions.
- DOGS (pets)I like dogs (pets): domesticated canines, commonly kept as companions or pets.
- DOMINOES I like to play dominoes, a game played with rectangular pieces marked with different numbers of dots, in which players take turns matching and laying down pieces according to certain rules.
- ECONOMY I like economics, the efficient and careful management of resources, especially money, goods, or time.
- FISH-KEEPING (aquarium) I like keeping fish, especially in an aquarium, which is the practice of caring for and maintaining fish and other aquatic organisms in a controlled environment.
- FLOWERS I like flowers, the reproductive structures of plants typically valued for their beauty, fragrance, and symbolism, often used for decoration, gifts, or expressions of affection.
- GARDENING I like gardening, the activity of cultivating and tending plants, flowers, or vegetables in a garden or other outdoor space.
- HEADPHONES I like listening through headphones, devices worn over or in the ears that provide audio output and allow individuals to listen to music, audio recordings, or to communicate privately.
- HORSES I like horses, large mammals often domesticated for riding, racing, or working.
- HOUSEKEEPING I like the management and organization of domestic tasks, cleanliness, and maintenance within a household or living environment.
- KARAOKEI like karaoke, a form of entertainment in which individuals sing along to recorded music, typically in a social setting such as a bar or party.
- KNITTING I like knitting: the process of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with knitting needles.
- LAYING ON THE COUCHI like lying on the couch: the act of lying down or resting on a couch or sofa, often associated with relaxation, leisure, or comfort.
- MAFIA (game)I like Mafia (game): a social deduction game in which players take on the roles of mafia members or townspeople.
- MASSAGES I like massages, therapeutic or relaxing treatments involving the manipulation of muscles and soft tissues by rubbing, kneading, or pressing.
- MONOPOLY (game)I like Monopoly, a board game in which players try to accumulate wealth and control real estate by buying, renting, and trading.
- MUSEUMS I like museums: institutions that preserve and display objects of cultural, historical, or scientific significance.
- OPERAI like operas, theatrical performances that combine music, singing, acting, and storytelling, often with elaborate sets, costumes, and orchestral accompaniment.
- PARTYINGI like parties, social gatherings or celebrations that often include music, dancing, food, drink, and festive activities.
- PHILATELY I like philately, the hobby of collecting and studying stamps and related items.
- PHILOSOPHYI like philosophy, the study or investigation of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, reality, and the nature of human experience.
- PHOTOGRAPHY I like photography: the art or practice of capturing and producing images with a camera.
- PIERCINGS I like piercings: body modifications involving the insertion of jewelry into body parts.
- PSYCHOLOGYI like psychology: the scientific study of the human mind, behavior, and mental processes with the goal of understanding individual and collective thoughts, emotions, and actions.
- PYROMANIAI like pyromania, a psychological disorder characterized by an intense fascination or compulsion to set fires, often deriving pleasure or gratification from the act of starting fires.
- RAW FOODISMI like raw foodism, a dietary practice that emphasizes consuming uncooked, unprocessed, or minimally heated foods, often associated with health and nutritional benefits.
- READING I like reading: the activity of interpreting and understanding written text.
- ROULETTE I like to play roulette, a casino gambling game in which players bet on numbers, colors, or combinations of numbers on a spinning wheel.
- RUSSIAN ROULETTE I like playing Russian roulette: a potentially deadly game of chance with a loaded firearm.
- SALES I like sales, the process of selling goods or services to customers in exchange for money or other forms of payment.
- SAUNAI like a sauna, high-temperature heat sessions, often involving dry or wet heat, steam, or infrared radiation, and used for relaxation, bathing, or therapeutic purposes.
- SEWING I like sewing: the craft of joining or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread.
- SHOPPINGI like shopping, the activity of browsing, selecting, and purchasing goods or services, often in retail stores or online platforms.
- SINGING I like singing: producing musical sounds with the voice in a melodic manner.
- SPELEOLOGY I like speleology, the scientific study or exploration of caves, including their formation, structure, and ecology.
- TATTOOSI like tattoos: permanent ink designs or patterns on the skin created by inserting pigments.
- THEATER I like theater: the art form or activity of performing or staging plays, musicals, or other dramatic works.
- TOURISM (hiking) I like tourism, specifically hiking, refers to the activity of traveling to different destinations or natural landscapes to explore and walk on marked trails or paths.
- TRAVELING I like traveling: the act of going on trips or journeys to different places, typically for leisure, exploration, or work.
- TV SHOWS I like to watch TV shows, television programs or series consisting of episodes with fictional or non-fictional content for entertainment or information.
- VEGETARIANISMI follow vegetarianism, a dietary practice that abstains from consuming meat, poultry, or seafood and often emphasizes plant-based foods for ethical, health, or environmental reasons.
- VIRTUAL REALITYI like virtual reality (VR), a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world, created using computer technology and typically involving visual and auditory immersion.
- WINTER SWIMMINGI like winter swimming, the practice of swimming in cold water, often in natural bodies of water or specially designated areas, for recreation, health benefits, or endurance challenges.
- WRITINGI like writing, the act of producing or creating written text, typically using language, symbols, or characters to convey ideas, stories, information, or messages.
- YACHTING I like yachting: the activity or sport of sailing or racing in yachts.
Physical activities, sportsmanship, competition, teamwork. Аn individual's involvement in sports and their behavior, attitudes, and characteristics related to athletic activities. Understanding the person's engagement in sports, their competitive nature, and their approach to physical activity.
- BIKING I like the activity of cycling.
- BILLIARDS I like billiards, a cue sport played on a table with balls and cues, where players use a cue stick to hit the balls and score points.
- BOWLING I like bowling, a sport in which players roll a ball to knock down pins.
- BOXING I like pugilism, a sport in which two opponents fight with their fists, usually within a designated ring and according to specific rules.
- CHESS I like chess, a strategic board game played between two players in which each player maneuvers his pieces on a checkered board to capture the opponent's king.
- DANCING I like dancing, a form of rhythmic movement and expression, often accompanied by music, performed individually or in groups for various purposes such as entertainment, cultural tradition, or artistic expression.
- DIVING I like scuba diving, the sport or activity of swimming underwater, usually with the use of special equipment, techniques, or breath-holding skills.
- EQUESTRIAN SPORTS I like equestrian sports: sports or activities involving horseback riding.
- FENCING I like fencing: a martial art involving swords, usually with protective equipment.
- FISHING (sedentary) I like sedentary fishing: the activity of catching fish while remaining in a fixed location, such as from the shore, a dock, or a seated position.
- FISHING (sport) I enjoy sport fishing, the activity of catching fish for sport or recreation.
- FITNESS I like fitness, physical health, well-being, and the ability to perform physical activities or exercise.
- HORSE RACING I like horse racing: a competitive sport in which horses run at high speeds.
- ICE SWIMMING I like ice swimming: swimming in freezing water, often in natural bodies of water.
- KAYAKING I like kayaking: the sport or activity of paddling a small boat, usually a kayak.
- MOUNTAINEERINGI like mountaineering: the sport or activity of climbing mountains, often involving technical skill, physical endurance, and an appreciation of nature.
- PAINTBALL I like paintball: a competitive sport or recreational activity in which opponents are shot with paintball guns.
- RACING I like racing: competing in speed competitions, usually in vehicles or on foot.
- RALLYING I like rallying, a motorsport discipline that involves high-speed racing on closed public roads or off-road tracks.
- RUNNINGI like running, a form of locomotion characterized by rapid movement on foot, often performed as a sport, exercise, or recreational activity.
- SHOOTING I like shooting, the act of using firearms or weapons for recreational, sporting, or competitive purposes.
- SKYDIVING I like skydiving, the activity of jumping from an aircraft and free-falling before deploying a parachute for a controlled descent.
- SOCCER I like soccer: a team sport played with a spherical ball, usually with feet, in which goals are scored by kicking the ball into the opponent's net.
- SPORTS I like sports, physical activities or games that involve competition, skill, and physical exertion in general.
- SPORTS (watching) I like sports (watching): the activity of watching or following sporting events as a form of entertainment.
- SWIMMING I like swimming, a physical activity or sport that involves moving through water using my body and limbs.
- TRAINABLEI have the capacity for physical development.
- WRESTLING I like wrestling, a martial art that involves grappling, holding, and throwing between two competitors.
Imagination, innovation, artistic expression, originality. Аn individual's ability to generate novel ideas, think outside the box, and engage in innovative problem-solving. Understanding a person's originality, imagination, and their approach to expressing their ideas.
- ARTISTRYI have a capacity for creativity in artistic endeavors or expression. I have the ability to transform, to "transition" into different states of human nature and perception of what is happening.
- AUDIALI have a good auditory system. Concerning or relating to hearing or the sense of hearing.
- BALLETI like a classical form of dance characterized by grace, precision, and formalized steps and movements.
- CONCERTS (dancing)I enjoy musical performances or events where participants actively engage in dancing or rhythmic movement in response to the music.
- CONCERTS (listening)I like attending live musical performances.
- CONCERTS (watching)I like to watch live musical performances by musicians or bands in front of an audience.
- CREATIVITYI have the ability to generate original and innovative ideas, concepts, or solutions through imagination, thinking outside the box, and combining different elements.
- CULTUREI like culture which refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, arts, and social behaviors characteristic of a particular group or society.
- DECORATIONSI like decorations, objects or embellishments used to adorn or enhance the appearance of a space, event, or object.
- DESIGNI like design: the creation and planning of visual or functional aspects of objects or systems.
- EARRINGSI like earrings, decorative jewelry worn on the earlobes or other parts of the ear, typically attached by piercing or clipping.
- EMBROIDERYI like the art or craft of decorating fabric or other materials with needlework, using various stitching techniques and patterns
- FASHIONI like fashion, prevailing styles or trends in clothing, accessories, or personal appearance.
- GRAFFITII like graffiti, the unauthorized or illicit marking, painting, or drawing on public surfaces, often considered a form of artistic expression or vandalism.
- IMAGINATIONI have the ability to form mental images or concepts of things that are not present or have not been experienced.
- MUSICI like the art form that involves the creation, performance, and expression of sound and rhythm.
- PAINTINGI like painting, the act or technique of using color or pigments to create visual art on surfaces such as canvas, paper, or walls.
- REFINEMENTI like refinement the quality of being polished, cultured, or exhibiting elegance and good taste.
- STYLISHNESS (in clothing) I like stylishness in clothing, having a fashionable, trendy, or well-coordinated sense of dress or personal style.
- TONGUE CLUCKINGI like tongue clucking, the sound made by clicking the tongue against the roof of the mouth as an expression of disapproval or irritation.
- WHISTLINGI like the act of producing a musical sound by forcing air through pursed lips or by using fingers to create a specific pitch or melody.
Essence, soul, inner self, spirituality. Understanding an individual's "Spirit" in a personality audit aims to gain insights into their inner drive, their motivations, and how they find a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their lives. It can provide information about their overall worldview, guiding principles, and the impact these factors have on their behavior, decision-making, and overall well-being.
- BELIEF IN GOD I believe in God refers to the conviction or belief in the existence of a higher power or deity.
- BELIEF IN MIRACLES I believe in miracles refers to the belief or conviction that extraordinary and supernatural events can occur that defy natural laws or explanations.
- BELIEF IN ONE'S SELF I believe in myself: Having confidence or belief in my abilities or worth.
- BELIEF IN PEOPLE I believe in people: Having confidence or trust in the abilities, intentions, or inherent goodness of individuals.
- FAITHFULI am often in love, emotional relationships; devoted/constant in the fulfillment of obligations, promises, interests.
- FASTING I practice fasting, abstaining from food and/or drink for a period of time, often for religious, spiritual, or health reasons.
- MEDITATIONI practice meditation, which involves focusing my mind, achieving a state of deep relaxation, or cultivating awareness and mindfulness.
- ADVENTURISMI often have an inadequate understanding of reality combined with an active nature, a reliance on "chance".
- PASSIONATEI show or am caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.
- RELIGIONI participate in a system of beliefs, rituals, and practices related to the worship of a higher power or spiritual entity.
- SPIRITUALITYI am concerned with matters of the spirit or soul; a personal connection to the divine or transcendent.
- YOGA I practice yoga, a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India and involves various postures, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques to promote health and well-being.
Cognitive processes, beliefs, ideas, perspectives. Аn individual's cognitive processes, thinking patterns, and the content of their thoughts. This category focuses on understanding the person's mindset, cognitive style, and how they perceive and interpret the world around them.
- ANXIOUSI often experience worry, anxiety, or nervousness, usually about an upcoming event or something with an uncertain outcome.
- BASHFULNESS I experience shyness or timidity in social situations.
- COMPASSIONATEI have a deep sense of empathy, sympathy, and concern for the suffering or distress of others. Compassion goes beyond simply feeling sorry for someone; it involves taking action to help and showing kindness and understanding to others in difficult situations.
- COMPULSIVE GAMBLINGI am prone to compulsive gambling: A behavioral addiction characterized by an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite negative consequences.
- CONSCIOUSI am aware of and responsive to my surroundings; I have passed the awakening stage of life.
- DEJA VUI often experience déjà vu, a phenomenon in which an individual has a strong sense or feeling of familiarity or recognition of a current situation or event as if it has been experienced before, even though it hasn't.
- DESTRUCTIVENESS I am prone to destructiveness, the tendency or inclination to cause harm, damage or destruction.
- EGOCENTRISM I am prone to egocentrism, a cognitive bias in which an individual has difficulty perceiving or understanding the perspective, thoughts, or feelings of others.
- EGOISM I am prone to egoism: excessive self-centeredness or selfishness. Focused on or preoccupied with myself and the satisfaction of my own desires; egocentric.
- FEARI tend to fear: an emotional response to a perceived threat or danger.
- FEARFULNESS I tend to feel or display fear or anxiety.
- GUILT I tend to guilt: emotional remorse or self-reproach for perceived wrongdoing.
- IMPULSIVENESS I am prone to impulsivity, a tendency or inclination to act or make decisions without careful thought or consideration of consequences.
- PARANOIAI am prone to paranoia: irrational or exaggerated distrust or suspicion of others.
- REVERIEI am prone to a state of being lost in my thoughts or daydreams, often pleasant or imaginative in nature.
- SHYNESSI tend to shyness, a feeling of apprehension, discomfort or self-consciousness in social situations, often resulting in avoidance or inhibited behavior.
- TOUCHINESSI tend to be easily offended, sensitive, or prone to emotional reactions to perceived slights or criticism.
- VULNERABILITY I tend to be vulnerable: susceptible to emotional or physical harm; the state of being easily hurt or wounded.
Planning, aesthetics, problem-solving, visual communication. Аn individual's aptitude, preferences, and skills related to design thinking and aesthetics. This category focuses on understanding a person's creativity, attention to detail, and their ability to conceptualize and bring forth visually appealing and functional solutions.
- ALTURISTICI show a disinterested and unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
- CANINES I have "canines" or "cuspids," very sharp, pointed teeth found in mammals. They are usually longer and stronger than the other teeth and are used for tearing and grasping food.
- ELEGANTI am pleasantly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
- HOT BODY I have a "hot body," a physically attractive, fit, or aesthetically pleasing physique.
- LUCKINESSI have luck, a chance event or circumstance that brings about a favorable or unfavorable outcome, often attributed to random or external factors beyond the individual's control.
- NOBLEI act noble - perfect in character; noble, honest.
- NODDING (of head)I often nod of my head: moving the head up and down as a gesture of agreement or acknowledgment.
- PLUMPNESS (bodily) I have a plump, rounded, or full figure; I am overweight or pleasantly fat.
- PONYTAIL (hairstyle) I have a ponytail: a hairstyle in which the hair is gathered and secured at the back of the head or neck with a ribbon or tie.
- RED HAIRI have red hair: having hair that is naturally red in color.
- SLOUCHI often have a relaxed or slouched posture with my shoulders and upper body hanging forward.
- THINNESSI have a slim figure or low body weight.