Originality and relevance of ideas. Evaluation of the ability to generate innovative and feasible ideas. Assessment of strategic contribution and compliance with company goals.
- How often are new project ideas generated in the team?
- To what extent are the ideas considered innovative and different from conventional approaches?
- What is the team's ability to turn ideas into actionable projects?
- Are ideas generated in collaboration with different departments or sources of information?
- What is the strategic contribution of the ideas to the company's goals and projects?
- How is transparency and sharing of ideas within the team and organization ensured?
- To what extent are ideas evaluated based on their feasibility and feasibility?
- What is the record and documentation of the idea generation and selection process?
- What is the process for getting feedback on ideas from relevant stakeholders?
- How often are learnings from previous projects extracted and implemented into new ideas?
- À quelle fréquence de nouvelles idées de projets sont-elles générées au sein de l’équipe ?
- Dans quelle mesure les idées sont-elles considérées comme innovantes et différentes des approches conventionnelles ?
- Quelle est la capacité de l’équipe à transformer des idées en projets réalisables ?
- Les idées sont-elles générées en collaboration avec différents départements ou sources d’information ?
- Quelle est la contribution stratégique des idées aux objectifs et aux projets de l’entreprise ?
- Comment la transparence et le partage des idées au sein de l’équipe et de l’organisation sont-ils assurés ?
- Dans quelle mesure les idées sont-elles évaluées en fonction de leur faisabilité et de leur faisabilité ?
- Quel est le dossier et la documentation du processus de génération et de sélection des idées ?
- Quel est le processus permettant d’obtenir des commentaires sur les idées des parties prenantes concernées ?
- À quelle fréquence les enseignements des projets précédents sont-ils extraits et mis en œuvre dans de nouvelles idées ?
Accuracy of the cost and time estimate of the project. Assessing the reliability of used estimation methods. Assessing the ability to estimate and identify risks associated with estimates.
- How accurate are the cost and time estimates compared to the final project results?
- To what extent are the used estimation methods considered reliable and proven?
- What is the ability to predict and identify risks associated with cost and time estimates?
- How are the costs and time requirements of the project updated and monitored during its implementation?
- How is the cost and time estimation process improved based on previous project experience?
- To what extent are estimates revised and adjusted as new project information becomes available?
- What is the ability to respond quickly to unexpected cost and schedule changes?
- To what extent are stakeholders informed about the current status of estimates and possible changes?
- How is the success of achieving estimates compared to actual project results measured and evaluated?
- What is the degree of credibility of the estimates in the eyes of key stakeholders?
Control of compliance with the financial framework of the project. Evaluation of the allocation of funds to key activities. Evaluation of the ability to respond to unexpected costs.
- How accurate are project budgets compared to final costs?
- To what extent are costs transparent and managed within projects?
- What is the ability to predict and identify risks associated with the project budget?
- How are costs monitored and updated during the project?
- To what extent are strategies implemented to control and minimize costs?
- To what extent are measures taken to prevent budget overruns?
- What is the ability to respond quickly to unexpected costs and budget changes?
- To what extent are stakeholders informed about the current state of the budget and possible changes?
- How is the success of achieving the budget compared to actual costs measured and evaluated?
- What is the degree of credibility of the budget in the eyes of key stakeholders?
The quality and completeness of the project plan. Assessment of ability to plan realistic milestones and deadlines. Checking the flexibility of the plan during changes.
- How carefully are project plans developed, including detailed schedules and timetables?
- To what extent are key project goals, milestones and tasks identified in the plans?
- What are the mechanisms for responding flexibly to changes and unexpected events in plans?
- To what extent are the project plans clear and understandable to all team members?
- How are experiences from and learning from previous projects reflected in the project plans?
- How is the project plan updated during its implementation and how are changes documented?
- What is the process for tracking and reporting progress against the project plan?
- To what extent are priority tasks and risks considered in the project plans?
- What is the degree of interaction between the project plans and the team and how are their possible suggestions for improvement received?
- How is the effectiveness of project plans evaluated based on achieved results and planned goals?
Results achieved compared to the plan. Assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of strategies and methodologies. Evaluation of how the project fulfills the set goals.
- How is the success of project tasks and activities in accordance with the plan defined and measured?
- To what extent are team members accountable for completing their tasks and how are they rewarded or evaluated for doing so?
- How is coordination between team members and departments handled when completing tasks?
- To what extent are tasks and activities carried out in accordance with project priorities and strategies?
- How is progress in completing tasks monitored and how are any deviations or problems resolved?
- To what extent are team members able to flexibly adapt to changes in task completion and current project needs?
- What is the level of satisfaction of team members with the process of completing tasks and activities?
- How are synergies between different team members and tasks identified and exploited?
- To what extent are the project's key deliverables met, including quality and schedule?
- What is the level of involvement and engagement of team members in the process of completing tasks and activities?
Quality control of the statement of work and documentation. Assessment of compliance of the results with the expectations of the client or stakeholders. Evaluation of records of project processes and results.
- How is the accuracy and completeness of project statements defined and measured against actual results?
- To what extent are the project statements in accordance with the defined criteria and standards?
- How are project reports updated and monitored during project implementation?
- To what extent are project statements transparent and understandable to key stakeholders?
- How are project reports integrated with team and company communication and reporting?
- What is the ability to respond quickly to changes in reporting requirements?
- How are project statements linked to project schedules and planning?
- How is the effectiveness of project reports evaluated based on achieved results and planned goals?
- What is the degree of credibility of the statements in the eyes of key stakeholders?
- What is the level of satisfaction of key stakeholders with the reports and their use for strategic decision-making?
Risk identification and management. Checking the update of the priority list during the project. Evaluating the response to unexpected risks and changes in priorities.
- How are project priorities defined and measured in relation to the achievement of key objectives?
- To what extent are project priorities communicated and shared with all team members and stakeholders?
- How are project priorities focused on achieving the company's strategic goals and plans?
- How is risk identified and assessed in the project, and how are measures taken to minimize it?
- To what extent are risks linked to project plans and planning?
- How is crisis communication and risk management handled in case of unexpected events?
- To what extent are team members and stakeholders involved in the process of identifying and evaluating priorities and risks?
- How is the effectiveness of the priority and risk management process evaluated based on the achieved project results?
- What is the level of trust in the prioritization and risk management process with key stakeholders?
- What is the level of adaptability and flexibility of the priority and risk management process to changing project conditions?
The quality of team leadership. Evaluation of motivation and engagement of team members. Evaluation of the ability to manage conflicts and ensure effective cooperation.
- How are the qualifications and skills of team members defined and measured in relation to project requirements?
- To what extent are team members assigned to roles and tasks that match their skills and experience?
- How is communication and collaboration between team members and departments within the project supported and developed?
- To what extent are positive working relationships between team members created and maintained?
- How is the professional and personal growth of team members supported and developed during the project?
- To what extent are different perspectives and approaches among team members respected and supported?
- How is the effectiveness of team leadership evaluated and how are potential communication problems resolved?
- To what extent are team members involved in the decision-making process and influence key strategic project decisions?
- How is the overall satisfaction and engagement of team members during the project evaluated?
- What is the degree of credibility of the project management with the team members?
Transparency and effectiveness of communication in the company. Assessment of ability to share information between teams and with external partners. Control of communication regarding changes and updates of the project status.
- How is the effectiveness of internal communication within the project team defined and measured?
- To what extent are the standards and norms for communication in the project defined and followed?
- How is an open and transparent environment for communication within the team encouraged and maintained?
- To what extent are team members and stakeholders informed about key changes and events in the project?
- How is communication handled in moments of conflict and how are conflicts effectively resolved?
- To what extent are documents and records of communication created and maintained for future reference?
- How is the team's communication skills and ability to express thoughts and ideas supported and developed?
- To what extent are roles and responsibilities defined for communication within the team and stakeholders?
- How is the effectiveness of external communication with clients and other external stakeholders evaluated?
- What is the degree of credibility of project communication in the eyes of key stakeholders?
Project evaluation process and learning from previous experiences. Evaluating the use of feedback to continuously improve procedures. Assessing the ability to extract learning from project successes and failures.
- How are project success criteria defined and measured in relation to original goals and plans?
- To what extent are the project plans and reports consistent with the achieved results and key indicators?
- How is the quality of the delivered product or service evaluated in relation to the customer's requirements?
- To what extent is customer and stakeholder feedback obtained and analyzed?
- How is customer and stakeholder satisfaction monitored and addressed during and after project completion?
- To what extent are the achieved project results consistent with previous projects and benchmarks?
- How is the effectiveness of processes and methodologies evaluated during the project based on the results achieved?
- To what extent are the achieved project results in line with stakeholders' expectations?
- How is the overall effectiveness of project management evaluated based on the results achieved?
- To what extent are records and documents created and maintained for future project evaluation purposes?