Basic theoretical information about the breathing process, including the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. Testing focuses on knowledge of basic facts related to breathing and its importance for human health.
- How would you rate your awareness of your breathing?
- Rate how often you notice your breath during a typical day?
- How would you rate your normal breathing?
- How would you rate your normal breathing rate?
- Rate how often you experience physical difficulty breathing?
- How would you rate your breathing during stressful situations?
- How would you rate your ability to catch your breath and relax in emotionally demanding situations?
- How often do you practice techniques such as deep breathing or meditation?
- How often are you aware of changes in your breathing in different emotional states?
- How would you rate your ability to connect your emotional states with your breath?
Physical abilities related to breathing are tested, such as respiratory muscle strength, lung capacity and breathing efficiency. Questions may be about exercises to improve the physical aspects of breathing.
- How would you rate the intensity of your physical breathing difficulties?
- Rate how often you experience shortness of breath?
- How would you rate your ability to breathe deeply?
- How would you rate the chest pain associated with breathing?
- How would you rate your ability to control the rate of your breathing?
- Rate how often you experience coughing associated with breathing?
- How would you rate the degree of discomfort or pressure in your chest while breathing?
- How would you rate your ability to breathe without difficulty during physical activity?
- Rate how often you experience any physical chest discomfort associated with breathing?
- How would you rate your ability to breathe without chest pain?
Emotional and psychological impact of breath. Questions may include the connection between breath and emotions, breath control in stressful situations, and techniques for calming down through breathing.
- How would you rate the connection between your emotional state and your breathing pattern?
- Rate how often you experience changes in your breathing in response to positive emotions?
- How would you rate your ability to release your breath during situations of emotional stress?
- How would you rate your ability to maintain calm breathing in stressful situations?
- Rate how often you experience changes in your breathing in response to negative emotions?
- How would you rate your ability to control your breathing during emotional changes?
- How would you rate your ability to maintain regular breathing in situations of emotional arousal?
- How would you rate your ability to use your breath to calm yourself during stressful moments?
- Rate how often you notice your breath reacting to your emotional states?
- How would you rate your ability to use your breath to regulate emotional tension?
Personal experiences with various breathing techniques. Respondents can share their experiences with various breathing exercises and methods they find effective.
- How would you rate your regularity of practicing breathing techniques?
- Rate how effective you think breathing techniques are at reducing stress.
- How would you rate your knowledge of different breathing techniques?
- How would you rate your ability to integrate breathing techniques into your daily life?
- Rate how often you resort to breathing techniques in response to emotional stress?
- How would you rate the effectiveness of breathing techniques in releasing physical tension?
- How often do you try new breathing techniques?
- How would you rate your ability to adapt breathing techniques to different situations?
- Rate how often breathing techniques help you manage emotional challenges?
- How would you rate the overall impact of breathing techniques on your mental and physical state?
Relationship between stress and breathing. Respondents can express their experiences of how breathing changes in response to stressful situations and can be tested on their ability to control their breathing in these situations.
- How would you rate how often you experience changes in your breathing during stressful situations?
- Rate how effectively you manage your breathing in response to sudden stress?
- How would you rate your ability to relax and calm down during stressful situations?
- How would you rate the effect of stress on your normal breathing rate?
- Rate how your breathing changes during periods of intense mental stress?
- How would you rate your ability to maintain regular breathing in long-term stressful situations?
- How would you rate how stress affects your type of breathing (shallow vs. deep)?
- How would you rate your ability to maintain calm breathing under prolonged stress?
- With 1 being very rarely and 10 being very often, rate how often you feel your breath reacting to stress in your daily life?
- How would you rate the overall effect of stress on your breathing?
Historical context of breathing. Questions related to the development of views on breathing in different cultures, the historical significance of breathing practices, or the development of healing methods associated with the breath.
- How would you rate your ability to recall your first breathing memories?
- Estimate how far back in your history you can remember a time when you were aware of your breath?
- How would you rate your ability to recognize changes in your breathing pattern throughout life?
- How would you rate how much your breathing reminds you of a particular situation from the past?
- Rate how well you remember what your breath was like during times of stress or joy in your history?
- How would you rate your ability to recall specific emotions associated with your breath in the past?
- Rate how much influence your breathing habits have had on your life events?
- How would you rate your ability to identify changes in your breathing at important moments in life?
- How would you rate your ability to connect your current breathing with historical events in your life?
- How would you rate how your perception of breathing has changed over time?
Open-ended questions allow respondents to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences that do not fit into the previous categories. Individual perspectives and possible additional information can be expressed here.
- How would you rate your overall attention to your breath?
- Estimate how you think your breath would change if you were fully aware of each inhale and exhale?
- How would you rate your ability to maintain calm and steady breathing during moments of greater psychological pressure?
- How would you rate your ability to adjust the rate of your breathing according to current needs?
- Rate how much you think your breathing is affected by your emotional state?
- How would you rate your ability to breathe deeply and fully?
- How would you rate your ability to integrate breathing into relaxation techniques?
- Estimate how much you believe that you can influence your mental state with your breath?
- How much would you rate how much you think your breathing affects your overall well-being?
- How would you rate your openness and willingness to explore different breathing techniques to improve your mental and physical health?