Anxiety & Fears Test

Questions raised by professionals – easy answer by yourself.

Test your anxiety and fears

– assess your situation, provide guidance, and offer appropriate interventions or treatment options.

€3,69 🛒

What it is for?

✔ Identification and Diagnosis,

✔ Understanding Triggers,

✔ Treatment Planning,

✔ Validation of Feelings,

✔ Preventive Measures,

✔ Enhanced Communication.

Find and reject anxiety and fears

Guide you toward effective strategies for managing anxiety and fears.
10 analysis sectors, over 100 proven questions.

Get the best experience of platform. Click the link and immediately start. Get results online, as well as by link in your mailbox. After some time, repeat report again. Enjoy!

€3,69 🛒

How to make anxiety and fears test?

Answering questions related to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects associated with anxiety. The purpose is to identify the nature, severity, and potential triggers of anxiety and fears.

Just click on the TAKE THE TEST button, then answer questions. Be fair to yourself. Answer as honestly as possible.

After submission of your answers to all questions, the platform generates a unique report and, based on the category results, suggests improvements to improve.

Anxiety and fears categories

This category focuses on the assessment of anxiety reactions in various social situations, such as meeting people, public events or communicating in groups.
Here, physical manifestations of anxiety, such as tremors, palpitations, sweating, or pain in different parts of the body, are explored in order to better understand the body’s reactions associated with anxiety.
This category is devoted to the analysis of thoughts and fears associated with anxiety, identifies negative thought patterns and their influence on the emotional state of the individual.
This assesses how anxiety affects everyday life, including work responsibilities, family matters and the ability to plan and organize activities.
The relationship category examines how anxiety symptoms can affect interpersonal relationships and communication with others.
Assessing the impact of anxiety on overall health and self-care, including eating habits, sleep patterns and physical activity.
This category analyzes an individual’s stress management strategies and skills, with an emphasis on how effectively a person can cope with stressful situations.
The final category addresses the history of anxiety, examining the causes and evolution of anxiety manifestations over time to provide context and understanding of individual experience.

When you need this test?

Persistent Symptoms
If your anxiety or fears have been present for an extended period (typically six months or more) and are not improving on their own.
Impact on Daily Life
If your anxiety or fears are significantly affecting your ability to function in various aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, or daily activities.
Physical Symptoms
If you are experiencing physical symptoms related to anxiety, such as panic attacks, difficulty breathing, trembling, sweating, or other noticeable physiological responses.
Avoidance Behavior
If you find yourself avoiding certain situations or activities due to anxiety or fears, and it is limiting your life experiences.
Interference with Relationships
If your anxiety is causing strain on your relationships with friends, family, or colleagues.
Decreased Quality of Life
If you feel that your overall quality of life has diminished because of your anxiety or fears.
If you have noticed a pattern of anxious thoughts or irrational fears and are finding it challenging to manage them on your own.

Long story short

Everyone of us need from time to time to sit down and review one’s life. Whether you lost the direction in difficult life situation, or you burned out in work, or you are just interested in which stage of life you are right now.

The scope is the same for all people and includes including all aspects like Social situations, Physical manifestations, Thoughts and worries, Affecting daily life, Relationships, Health and self-care, Stress management, History of anxiety.

€3,69 🛒